Monday, February 12, 2007

10 Pounds With DDR!

Today is official weigh in day. And I am now down to 197.4! That's ten pounds light since I starter DDR as my main cardio exerise.

I'm wondering down if I had atually stalled briefly in January. Since I lost 4 pounds in 4 weeks at that time..however in the last two weeks I've lost 5 pounds! Usually the 200 mark is a GIANT stall for me. But since I started DDR what use to be a long stall ended up making me sail through the 200 mark. I couldn't be happier!

My next stall is usually around 191/188.. After that i'm not sure where my next stall will be. I normally stall around 165 but I'm sure there is a stall somewhere between 165 and 188.

We shall see, but sliding through this stall has pushed me and motivated me to keep going.

The one thing I have been stalling on is adding weights. I may wait until I actually do hit a stall point. I'd like to lose another 20 pounds before I hit the weights hard and heavy. Trying to avoid the sabotage the weights created with my scale the last time.. (only 15 scale pounds lost in a entire years though i was smaller.)

Anyway, good luck to everyone and whatever way you decide to approach losing.

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